1 807 345 1411

Auto Insurance

Receive rewards for good-driver records. Check out our competitive rates and comprehensive coverage.

Types of Insurance Offered

Private Passenger Auto

Ask about coverage for your personal-use vehicle that you utilize for pleasure outings, commuting to work, and also perhaps for personal business.

Classic Coverage

Do you have a vehicle that is 15 to 30 years old in mint condition? If it is a collector's car and not used for commuting-we offer coverage for that special automobile.

Antique Car

If you have a vehicle plated with an historical vehicle license plate and older than 30 years of age that you use only to show we have coverage to meet this need.

Discount for Auto Insurance is Available!

Ask about the discounts we offer for Dual-Policy, Multi-Vehicle and Graduated Driver training. You can also maximize your discounts by combining your home and auto insurance.